My thoughts and out loud thoughts on composition, performance, and many things musical.

Posts tagged “recording

Album Review: Ryan Brewer’s “Trails”


If I had to pick one word to describe Ryan Brewer‘s music on his album Trails it would be “certainty.”

It is that all at once he is so certain about what he has to say and how he is going to say it, while simultaneously expressing bouts of uncertainty. If you are reading this, I hope my review will encourage you to try his music out–it moves you intellectually, emotionally, and physically. The following are my thoughts on what I am certain is a collection of fantastic music.

Summary Overview:

2013 – Late to the Game, So Much Great Music – Year in Music

This is always fun. Here are my 12 favorite artists/album/songs/pieces of music that have helped define 2013 for me.

Another year in Texas, the first full one, I’ve learned a lot. I’ve found I’m good at other things, my interests have changed dramatically, and I bought a violin. I cannot play it well. So, that.

1. Gabriel Kahane makes my list every year. Or every day. Everything, really. I had devoured his Craiglistlieder song cycle, February House musicaland his second album Where Are the Arms, among other gems along the way. I only THIS year listened to his FIRST self-titled album, from 2008. **head.desk.** (more…)

Album Review: Timo Andres’ “Home Stretch”

This is my first time (in)formally reviewing an album.  My immediate disclaimer is that I am reviewing this solely from the point-of-view of a music lover. This will not be a scholarly response to one’s music (if the reader expects that.)

moving on…*ahem*

It is with great conviction that I attempt to review (commend and praise) this album in the hopes that others will want to give it a go.

My review’s thesis statement: this album rocks.  (more…)

2012 – Everything’s the Same Size in Texas – Year in Music

I did this last year: make a list of 12 songs for each month that really encompassed a part of the year for me.  I’m treating this, again, like a journal for myself, but if anyone reads this and has thoughts, please share them.

January was the last month of 2012 that I was in Indiana. Once February hit, I moved to Texas.  Here are the songs that had the most impact on me, may it be cerebral or otherwise. (more…)


The Transitional

Over the past 4 or 5 months I’ve observed some of my closest friends go through the ending of relationships.  Besides having a “deep” moment by the aid of alcohol (and those are always delightful) there’s no better way to see how someone truly operates than amidst a breakup, specifically one where “love” was involved. (more…)

Texas, an album, & a finished? string quintet

I have arrived to Texas. And it has only been GREAT so far. Here’s what I’ve accomplished:

1. Spent necessary, great time with a necessary, great person.

2. Recorded some new things and as a result have the final lineup for my forthcoming full-length album. (Planning stages)

3. Designed the booklet for aforementioned album.

4. OFFICIALLY FINISHED my string quartet, “A Man’s Will to a Woman.”  The music, lyrics, and edits are ALL FINISHED. Nope. That’s not true. (more…)