My thoughts and out loud thoughts on composition, performance, and many things musical.

Posts tagged “Gabriel Kahane

2014 – A Bigger Palette – Year in Music

Once again, for the end of 2014, I’d like to make note of some of my favorite music that will leave a very important mark in my life.

The following, in no particular order, are musicians/albums/songs/pieces from 2014 that I would encourage others to try out.


2013 – Late to the Game, So Much Great Music – Year in Music

This is always fun. Here are my 12 favorite artists/album/songs/pieces of music that have helped define 2013 for me.

Another year in Texas, the first full one, I’ve learned a lot. I’ve found I’m good at other things, my interests have changed dramatically, and I bought a violin. I cannot play it well. So, that.

1. Gabriel Kahane makes my list every year. Or every day. Everything, really. I had devoured his Craiglistlieder song cycle, February House musicaland his second album Where Are the Arms, among other gems along the way. I only THIS year listened to his FIRST self-titled album, from 2008. **head.desk.** (more…)

Album Review: Timo Andres’ “Home Stretch”

This is my first time (in)formally reviewing an album.  My immediate disclaimer is that I am reviewing this solely from the point-of-view of a music lover. This will not be a scholarly response to one’s music (if the reader expects that.)

moving on…*ahem*

It is with great conviction that I attempt to review (commend and praise) this album in the hopes that others will want to give it a go.

My review’s thesis statement: this album rocks.  (more…)

2012 – Everything’s the Same Size in Texas – Year in Music

I did this last year: make a list of 12 songs for each month that really encompassed a part of the year for me.  I’m treating this, again, like a journal for myself, but if anyone reads this and has thoughts, please share them.

January was the last month of 2012 that I was in Indiana. Once February hit, I moved to Texas.  Here are the songs that had the most impact on me, may it be cerebral or otherwise. (more…)

2011 – Goodbye Indiana, Hello Texas

**Totally taking my buddy Ben’s idea as using playlists as a sort of journal, here goes 2011 and last of being in Indiana, in musical memory. (The songs aren’t necessarily from 2011) Also, I realize most of my nostalgia-stricken songs are driving songs–because that’s when I really do my best listening. (more…)