My thoughts and out loud thoughts on composition, performance, and many things musical.

Posts tagged “Punch Brothers

2015 -My Year in Music

At the beginning of 2015, I moved to New York City to pursue music and live with two of my best friends. I discovered so much great music that has made a distinct impact on how I create and listen.

Here are my 2015 favorites.


2013 – Late to the Game, So Much Great Music – Year in Music

This is always fun. Here are my 12 favorite artists/album/songs/pieces of music that have helped define 2013 for me.

Another year in Texas, the first full one, I’ve learned a lot. I’ve found I’m good at other things, my interests have changed dramatically, and I bought a violin. I cannot play it well. So, that.

1. Gabriel Kahane makes my list every year. Or every day. Everything, really. I had devoured his Craiglistlieder song cycle, February House musicaland his second album Where Are the Arms, among other gems along the way. I only THIS year listened to his FIRST self-titled album, from 2008. **head.desk.** (more…)

What Music Changed You?

I’d like to make this post an interactive one. I’ll explain the music that made a significant change in my life, and I’d like to hear yours. Comment below this post, or even in an e-mail (

What Music Changed You?

I have two major answers to the question: one band changed entirely what I consider “good” music to be, and another composer saved me. (more…)

Genre-Labeling + a rant.

By calling yourself a genre-specific musician, are you limiting yourself as a musician? 

By describing music with a genre-label, are you setting the music up to be assumed by listeners?

Perhaps the better question is, “Is there a need for genre-distinction?” Perhaps it’s best left at “good music is good music, and bad music is bad music.”  I’ll try and address both of these. (And then per the title, a small rant.) (more…)

2012 – Everything’s the Same Size in Texas – Year in Music

I did this last year: make a list of 12 songs for each month that really encompassed a part of the year for me.  I’m treating this, again, like a journal for myself, but if anyone reads this and has thoughts, please share them.

January was the last month of 2012 that I was in Indiana. Once February hit, I moved to Texas.  Here are the songs that had the most impact on me, may it be cerebral or otherwise. (more…)

2011 – Goodbye Indiana, Hello Texas

**Totally taking my buddy Ben’s idea as using playlists as a sort of journal, here goes 2011 and last of being in Indiana, in musical memory. (The songs aren’t necessarily from 2011) Also, I realize most of my nostalgia-stricken songs are driving songs–because that’s when I really do my best listening. (more…)

Songwriting struggles…or just minor complaints.

It seems lately that I have conflict with how I write songs. I am really proud about the pieces of music I write, be it the classical stuff, the quintet, solo guitar, or just the music for my songs for my lyrics.

But it’s those songs that are leaving me conflicted. (more…)

Living as a musician

Many good things happening musically.  I have the 3rd movement to my piece almost done!! **mad applause!** **chaotic uproar!** **fireworks and confetti and other hootenany-esque parading!!** **overuse of celebratory italics!!**

BUT–I am definitely re-thinking the instrumentation.  THAT is a major change, I am aware.  (more…)

The Art of Performance: Traditions and Adaptations for the Classical Musician

I often forget that simply discussing music with other musicians brings me great joy.  Today I found myself discussing what makes performances successful and worthwhile in our ever-changing society and culture.  The focus we found ourselves revolving around was the performance of classical music in a small recital setting,  and what turns out to be applicable for other larger classical settings. (more…)

At least there’s Radiohead…

This entry is more of an outward rant for myself. And it’s about my third movement. First off I should say, minus the fine tuning and editing I have to do I am happy with what I have for movement 1 & 2. I think there is sufficient honesty in them, and musically I like them–that’s not to say what I have will be the final product. I’m sure I will think of stuff to add or reorganize without jeopardizing my original ideas. (more…)

Second movement: Complete…?

So I’ve completed the second movement of A Man’s Will to a Woman. There is, what I think is lovely, a serial section with a serial improvisatory (abandonment of serialism?) section in the dead middle of everything.  I am almost done with the lyrics.  So I suppose I should say I am 90% done the second movement.   (more…)

A Man’s Will to a Woman

The title above is the name of a 3 movement string quintet piece I’m writing.  I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t completely influenced by the approaches of the Punch Brothers.  I suppose I’ve always loved bluegrass, and the standard instrumentation.  But upon hearing them over a year ago they are absolutely my favorite band for life.

Finally, I’ve found a band that has music that moves me intellectually and physically.   (more…)